Paralegal, a Position that Is Attracting Generation Z

In search of more stability, young Generation Z workers in Canada are attracted by the paralegal sector, a recent study by Indeed indicates. The job website’s analysis team calculated “a popularity index” of the jobs most consulted by young people of this generation.

The paralegal profession obtains the same score as that of video designer for these young workers born in 1997, according to the Pew research centre. What is it that attracts these young people now entering the work force?

Variety and versatility
“First of all, it’s not one but many professions”, explains Catherine Laberge, legal techniques internship coordinator at Ahuntsic College, because the legal technician can work in several work environments. “The high mobility is probably one of the reasons why young people are attracted. They can work anywhere, whether in banks, courts, large companies and firms,” she says.

Many of them want versatility to be a big part as well. “Whether drawing up draft contracts, reviewing property titles, organizing information as part of evidence management, the paralegal has to be meticulous, curious and rigorous, while mastering new information research technologies,” the coordinator adds. There is therefore not just one personality type for this profession, but several.

Assured placement and news
The extremely high placement rate must also attract young workers who want to quickly achieve financial stability, without having to commit to university education. “We are in a situation of full employment, there are needs everywhere, in all spheres of society,” Catherine Laberge says.

In addition, some jobs in this profession are at the forefront of current events, such as high-profile investigations and trials, as an assistant or researcher. “For these professionals in the legal field it is also a way to participate in society,” Ms. Laberge says.

One of the reasons these young people learn about the profession probably comes from an idealization of the profession. “Technicians are not going to plead in court and often, depending on the job, they are not even there,” Catherine Laberge says. “The reason for this profession being attractive is therefore a happy mix of versatility, variety, full employment, and a bit of Netflix!”, she concludes.

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