Career management

Career management

4 Factors to Consider Before Accepting a Position

Before accepting a position in a company that you don’t know, you should consider these 4 factors… beyond the salary offered! The conditions of the job offer When a job offer is received as a result of a hiring process, it must be consistent with your expectations and the conditions stated during the interview. If […]

Career management

Are you a slasher?

Philippe, 56 years old, has been a merchant for more than thirty years. Several years ago, he gave himself the “leisure” to develop other skills, to the point that today he presents himself as a merchant/CEGEP teacher/trainer/musician. You will understand, the “slasher” label comes from the accumulation of angled bars, slashes, on the presentation. Like […]

Career management

Attitude to Adopt if a Desire to Resign Takes You

While resignation may be justified in some cases, in other cases it deserves a mature reflection on the part of the employee. Resigning on impulse, exasperated by your superior or colleagues, could have heavy consequences in the short and medium term. So before you get to that point, and even if there are elements against […]

Career management

Paralegal – to Specialize or Not to Specialize?

On the job market, which changes quickly, the question of specialization arises, in the field of law among others, and especially for the paralegal profession. Is this position more easily accessible by being specialized? Training in legal techniques required to become a paralegal normally provides all the tools necessary to practise this profession. A paralegal […]

Career management

Changing Fields – Good Questions to Ask

Has the urge to drop your professional activities to start over from scratch in another field crossed your mind? Before you start looking for greener pastures where you can develop new skills, certain questions are worth asking so you don’t drag your dissatisfaction into it. What drives me professionally? You can carry out the exercise […]

Career management

Changing Jobs – Is This the Right Time?

In the age of mobility, workers no longer hesitate to change jobs to get a promotion, a better boss or a higher salary. But do they always choose the right time? Here are some questions to ask before thinking about quitting your job. “Leave or stay” is the question professionals ask who seek the services […]

Career management

Opportunities in International Law

What are the job prospects in international law? There is a wide variety of types of assignment that can need to be worked on. Overview. After undergraduate studies According to Bernard Duhaime, former director of the Bachelor’s degree in International Law at UQAM, graduates “end up working for government or intergovernmental bodies, or in civil […]

Career management

Do You Know About Work Sharing?

An overloaded schedule, finding it hard to spend time with your family… Juggling work and family life can sometimes be complicated and affect the morale and even the health of your employees, as is revealed by a study conducted by Quebec’s Institut national de santé publique. Combining the two and achieving equilibrium is still possible, […]

Career management

Paralegals – Paid More Downtown Than in the Suburbs

Legal technicians are sought-after employees, but they are not all paid equitably depending on whether they work in a big city or outside major centres. This is what is discovered from a salary table published at the end of 2017. Drawn up by the Novea recruitment agency and covering the Greater Montreal area, the salary […]

Career management

Testimonial: I Chose to Work Part-Time and I Don’t Regret It

Having a part-time job is certainly a financial setback, but it is compensated by benefits in kind. Like Josiane Décoste, many employees choose to only work a few days a week to devote more time to their family or to parallel activities. For several decades, part-time work has been the preserve of women. According to […]

Career management

How to Transform a Temporary Assignment into a Permanent job?

Did you just land a temporary job? Now is the time to go into overdrive! By highlighting your skills and know-how, you will put all the odds in your favour to transform a temporary assignment into a permanent job. In 2016, 14% of salaried workers held a temporary job, according to the Institut de la statistique […]

Career management

Are you at Risk of “Technological Unemployment”?

Technological unemployment – The conclusions of a recent study on the consequences of automation and new technologies on jobs provide some food for thought about the types of employees at risk of being replaced by technology within the next few years. The technological automation that is currently underway around the world will not only create […] network